v1.4.1dd997d92 · ·
Fixed fake acquisition to the new format with some other fixes to cx_freeze and other minors.
v1.0.76c19670b · ·
1- SanityChannel is now obligatory with thresholding and only 60 points per second. 2- Acquisition doesn't stop on error now.
v1.0.697a9a347 · ·
Version 1.0.6 - Contains a new feature that was requested, which is the possibility to acquire from the sd card files. - Optimizes multithreading and avoids an issue of files being more than 1 minute (Derek had that problem once) - Optimizes buffering from device, as it loads thousands of lines from the buffer and then parses them to data. - Data is only accepted in 1 file when it's consecutive. Every data batch is checked whether it's after the previous one in time-stamp - Error handling optimized and more explanations for failure - prints acquired data on the log, so that missing and skipped data by the box can be seen in case of errors Check diffs for more details