Make Analysis Data downloadable
The basic idea was to be able to download video analysis data seen in the Swimlane, and use the visible Swimlane region to select for what time range data should be exported.
At the moment we have the following analysis data available in Swimlane:
- People Detection
- Kinesphere
- Comparison
1 is available as per frame count of detected persons for videos up to 1024 frames and as maximum (optionally median) count of detected persons with the video split in 1024 buckets for longer videos.
2 is available per tracked person as Kinesphere label confidence for frame range blocks (block length: usually ~170 frames but varies?)
3 is available as overall angle and velocity score for the entire comparison and as average and per-joint angle and velocity scores for frame range blocks (block length: 90 frames)
In general the following analysis data could additionally be available on a video but are not represented in Swimlane:
- People Detection and Tracking
- Pose Recognition
1 consists of bounding box information per frame per detected person
2 consists of skeletal joint positions per frame per detected person
Both are currently only retrievable for a single video frame at a time which complicates exporting for a time range.