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Green-Software-Engineering / energy- and resource efficiency of bayesian neural networks
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Replication data to S. Barbaro's contribution to the Festschrift in honour of Martin Junkernheinrich.
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Hauschildt, Sarah / inca-scala
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Liese, Felix / sturdy.scala
MIT LicenseFork of https://gitlab.rlp.net/plmz/sturdy.scala to develop Products and Reduced Products for static program analysis.
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Ergänzende Unterlagen zum BSc.-Modul Fiskalföderalismus
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A Toolbox of functions and helpers to work with Data and APIs from the OpenStreetMap Project (https://www.openstreetmap.org)
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Report on EU Directive on minimum taxes on tobacco and other smoking exices.
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Pinkernell, Niklas Valerian / sturdy.scala
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Weninger, Georg / sturdy.scala with arrays
MIT LicenseUpdated -
imbforge / breakinspectoR
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterCompanion R package to the BreakTag protocol for the identification of CRISPR offtargets.
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Pihaule, Jan André / sturdy.scala
MIT LicenseUpdated -